22 novembro 2012

Contagem de votos nos EUA

Maravilhas do país
de Silicon Valley

On Thursday (a seguir à votação), more than a hundred people — activists, high school students who worked for months to register voters, and voters who said they were forced to use provisional ballots — protested outside the election center

Arizona’s Ballot Count Fiasco

Aqui: «By the end of today, Arizona will have finally finished counting all of its ballots from the election that took place more than two weeks ago. More than a quarter of the roughly 2.2 million votes were cast as early or provisional ballots, and the delay in getting them all counted has stirred great controversy in state in which people of color have grown accustomed to dirty tricks. Some watchdogs charged that Latinos were being targeted for disenfranchisement, but as more and more of those ballot were tallied, it became increasingly apparent that all sorts of voters have had to wait for their ballots to be counted. Still, the last two weeks have illustrated that Arizona needs to revamp the way it conducts elections.(...).

Por fim, só acrescentar que no país tecnologicamente mais avançado do mundo, a exemplo do que aconteceu em 2008, os resultados finais definitivos da última eleição presidencial deverão demorar mais quatro ou cinco meses a serem conhecidos.

P.S.: Enquanto isto e a uma escala que nenhum europeu podia supor, proliferam nos EUA os sites, ora de republicanos ora de democratas, denunciando fraudes alheias, com destaque para os estranhos casos em que, em diversas assembleias de voto de certos condados, um dos candidatos teve zero votos.

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